Its Giving Gatsby Balloon Bouquet


Chrome Gold, White and marble balloons perfect for New years, Bridal showers, birthdays, graduations or party that needs a little sparkle and wow!

Balloons and 11" and come in a pack of 12.
4 Marble Balloons
4 Chrome Gold
4 White

Please note each marble balloon has a unique pattern.

**Inflate day of event for best results (May not last overnight). String not included.

Balloons will ship flat and can be inflated with air or helium. Professional grade helium is recommended for best results. Please keep in mind that all balloons can easily be affected by weather conditions and can not be guaranteed to float.

*Warning: Please remember deflated balloons can be a chocking hazard for children and pets. Adult supervision required. **

Materials: Latex
Shipping Info

We ship across Canada, US & Europe! Shipments go out daily from our warehouse in Ontario, Canada.

If your party is fast approaching we highly recomment selecting Express Shipping at checkout!

Express Shipping is available for Canada and US orders. Express Shipping typically takes 1-3 business days.

Standard Shipping Time Frames are as follows:

United States: 4 - 5 Business Days

CANADA: 2 - 7 Business Days

* The Territories: 1 - 3 Weeks 

 United Kingdom: 1 - 2 Weeks

 Australia: 3 - 4 Weeks

 Europe: 2 - 4 Weeks

Free Shipping on US orders over $35

Flate Rate Shippinh of $9.95 of Canada orders.

Europe shipping rates are dependent on location and will be calculated at checkout.


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